Enterprise Internet and ISP performance analytics
As an IT company supporting dozens or thousands of Internet connected locations, there is one piece of data you may be lacking. Imagine performance analytics for every Internet provider being used at customer locations, security systems, TeleHealth, field sensors, remote employees, all you have Internet connected.
OutagesIO shows performance data no matter what providers report or don’t. No more finger pointing or wasted hours. A two minute install and you get alerts of disconnections, outages, slow speeds and more in as quickly as 30 seconds.
Purpose-built for ISP analytics
Provides self-generated analytics rather than third-party public data. Gives performance and reliability data across all ISPs being monitored no matter what is or isn’t being reported.
Providers like to market faster speeds, redundancy, and reliability but transparency isn’t a strong point. Reliability issues and complete outages occur anyhow. Then come the excuses, finger-pointing, or worse, lawsuits.
Real consequences occur with Internet outages, from small businesses losing sales to local government services being affected, and even 911 going down. It’s happened in Arizona.
ISPs can use it to better understand how customers are seeing their services or OutagesIO can be used to make ISPs accountable.
Self generated analytics

Find and track issues with near real-time data.
Flexible, scalable, no large budgets needed. OutagesIO is deployed in under two minutes. It starts monitoring immediately, tracking each locations issues, sending alerts to the right IT people as needed.
Logs historical details and shows which providers are most reliable. Mix software or hardware agents for always-on monitoring without a computer–perfect for remote equipment rooms that rely on Internet.
Our cloud-based dashboard, overview map and alerts gives your IT team an advantage by knowing about problems even before the calls start coming in. Your IT team can easily monitor dozens to thousands of locations..
For Windows, Linux, ARM, Pi devices. Low cost hardware agent available.
Video: Built by an ISP / MSP for IT
The first 30 seconds explains what OutagesIO is and why it was built for IT departments.
Inexpensive while saving time and money
A minimum of 20 locations qualify for a free upgrade to enterprise level member.
Enterprise members typically start in the dozens or hundreds, so becoming an enterprise level member is simple. Billing is automatically generated on the last day of each month and number of agents active for at least 24hrs during that period are billed.
The low cost of adding OutagesIO alongside existing monitoring is quickly offset by saving even one support call or unneeded truck roll.
Give us a call and let’s talk about your application, 480-900-8025

Is a community or town suffering from unreliable Internet?
OutagesIO wants to work with organizations trying to help communities get better Internet services
OutagesIO is more than just monitoring. What’s included?
Overview map
The organization overview map shows any and all locations needing attention along with what the alert is related to such as disconnected, unauthorized open port, a change in environment conditions and so on. Historical data and reports make it easy for IT to find and fix problems. Learn more.
Automatic speed testing
Shows ongoing baseline test of download, upload speeds and latency for each location. Agents automatically run speed tests based on various conditions. Results are shown in each agent dashboard and average speeds are shown in the agents list. Low bandwidth alerts can also be set.
Historical / trends
Internet downtime add up in time, money and productivity losses. Accountability ends mystery problems and finger pointing. Hard facts are shown for each location monitored and correlated for all that were part of the same problem.
Enable security scan
Automatically monitor for unauthorized open ports or devices that become unreachable. This option continuously checks locations where agents are installed and alerts team members to any problems.
Flexible notifications
Team members can enable, disable or customize alerts and notifications for each location. Flexible notifications allow various options and combinations that suit each locations requirements. Notifications can be email, dashboard alerts, and optional SMS.
OutagesIO includes free DDNS (Dynamic DNS) which can be enabled for any agent. Team members don’t need to remember changing IP’s because a convenient URL is placed in each agent dashboard when DDNS is enabled and the agent is in Active status.
Optional hardware agents
Mix software and hardware agents as needed
Hardware agents are a one time cost and easier to work with because all of the software and functionality are built in. They operate 24/7 using less than one amp of power and are self updating. Monitoring is consistent and non stop unlike a PC or server that may be rebooted or turned off accidentally. Perfect for remote locations such as cabins, customer premises, remote equipment rooms, cabinets and much more.
Connect a camera
OutagesIO hardware agents allow a compatible (UVC) webcam to be connected. Access credentials, resolution and other settings are provided in the camera settings page and a convenient access link is placed in the dashboard.
Private DNS server
OutagesIO hardware agents come with a DNS server built in. Use it for redundancy or for DNS privacy. Useful in cases where DNS profiling may be required, especially in light of net neutrality. Easily avoid provider DNS and large well known publicly available DNS services.
WiFi/LTE/4G/5G monitoring
OutagesIO hardware agents can be used to monitor wired or wireless Internet services such as LTE 4G/5G. Enabling wireless monitoring is as simple as entering a few fields in the wireless section of the dashboard and the network will automatically switch to wireless or wired.
Special options that work with our hardware agent:
Remote Access Service (RAS)
Secure, encrypted access to remote LAN’s, networks without opening firewall ports.
One of the best OutagesIO RMM features is our Remote Access Service (RAS) that gives members direct access to devices on remote resources without having to open firewall ports. If there is nothing interesting for hackers to see, they move on to another potential target.
RAS is the perfect way to give admins direct access to configuration screens, firewalls, even remote desktops (RDP) at remote customer networks, unmanned equipment rooms, cabinets and countless other situations.
Environment Sensors with alerts
Environment enabled hardware agents can be ordered which can run all of the Internet monitoring features above plus environment monitoring simultaneously.
The sensor monitors temperature, humidity, light, barometric pressure, sound, air quality and vibration at the location it is installed at. Each metric can be set to alert someone if an upper or a lower threshold has been reached.
For example, if temperatures go below or higher than a set range or if humidity becomes too high, alerts can be sent. Notifications can be via email, dashboard and optionally SMS.
Learn more about our combined environment and Internet monitoring solution here.

Mix hardware and software
Windows and Linux Internet outage monitoring
Our software runs on Windows 7, 8 and 10, Centos 7, 8, Debian 7, Ubuntu, ARM like Raspberry, NanoPi, Tinker Board and others.
Download an agent while at the customer location or pre-order hardware agents, the choice is always yours depending on the requirement.
Always on monitoring
Optional hardware agent
No server available? Our agents use little power, are self updating, on the job 24/7, never missing a thing. Each has a built in DNS server for redundancy and privacy.
Can be used to monitor wired or wireless including LTE, 4G and 5G services.
What do Internet outages and slowdowns cost your company, remote employees, or home-schooled students?
Proof and facts: Sometimes it’s hard to for support to help remote people without enough information.
With OutagesIO installed at each remote location, IT can not only receive alerts to problems but have ongoing history to work with each Internet provider. Reports show details on Internet disconnections, outages, slow speeds and overall downtime. Reports can be shared, downloaded as an image or Excel.
Interruptions: It can take up to 23 minutes to get back on task when you’re interrupted. Which is one reason Internet downtime and dropped connections can be frustrating. Plus, network issues make working from home, online classes, and Zoom meetings tough. Additionally, Internet outages can come and go, which makes finding the problem a challenge. OutagesIO helps by showing you where the problems are happening.
OutagesIO rated as one of the best Internet troubleshooting tools by Comparitech
Customer Spotlight: Keeping remote workers connected

We wanted to hear how our customers use our service to monitor their Internet connections, so we reached out to 411 Locals, a digital advertising agency to learn more.
They specialize in local search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and online marketing solutions for small and medium-sized businesses throughout the United States, the Philippines and other areas.