Municipal Broadband Projects

Municipal Broadband Projects

Maybe all the talk about net neutrality means opportunities Let’s be honest, the main factor behind eliminating net neutrality is pure greed and control. Internet Service Providers (ISP) like any other business, sometimes prefer not to invest in better infrastructure...
Eliminate Most Panicked Customer Support Calls

Eliminate Most Panicked Customer Support Calls

In the IT/ISP industry, we sometimes experience customers quickly pointing the finger toward their support company if they lose Internet access and therefore, VoIP, browsing and other services. The majority of short lived problems are often Internet related and need...
The Internet is down and it’s not my fault

The Internet is down and it’s not my fault eliminates hours of frustrating calls to providers support line, gives consumers and IT support proof of what is happening with services during and after problems. PRESCOTT, AZ – How many times can you reboot a router before you give up in frustration?...